bagged vs bagless vacuum | Nilfisk
January 03, 2022

Bag vs Bagless vacuum cleaners? How to choose the right one for you

How can you choose which vacuum cleaner is best for your household? We look at the pros and cons of bagged & bagless vacuums.

Categories: Vacuum Cleaners

Nowadays most modern vacuum cleaners are bagless. This is because they are cheaper, more convenient and better for the environment. However, we cannot deny that there are more pros of owning a bagged vacuum cleaner than you might think, especially for allergy sufferers or households with pets. So how can you choose which vacuum cleaner is best for your household? Let’s look at the pros and cons of bagged or bagless vacuum cleaners.  

Bagged vacuum cleaners – the pros 

Less mess – a vacuum bag stops dust, pollen and dust mites getting released back into your home which can happen when you empty out the cylinder of a bagless vacuum. It is much more convenient to simply remove the bag, keeping everything together without making a mess. 

Better for allergies – Bagged vacuum cleaners are much better for allergy sufferers because there is no risk of this nasty bacteria getting released back into the air when you empty it. If you or your family suffer from pollen, dust or pet allergies, we highly recommend a bagged vacuum cleaner.  

Cleaner filters – you should change your vacuum cleaner filter on average once per year. However, bagless vacuums need their filters changing much more frequently. This is because vacuum bags come with their own built-in HEPA filters, helping to reduce the release of bacteria and dust back into the air.   

Higher capacity – Most vacuum bags have a much higher capacity than their fellow bagless vacuum cleaners. Meaning you don’t need to think about replacing them as often as you would need to empty out the cylinder in a bagless vacuum.   

Bagless vacuum cleaners – the pros 

Convenience – One of the most obvious reasons to choose a bagless cylinder vacuum cleaner is because it is much easier to manage. You don’t need to think about buying spare bags – ever! 

See your dirt – It is much easier to see when the cylinder needs emptying if you don’t have a bag inside your vacuum. And in case you happen to accidentally vacuum up something you didn’t mean to; you will be able to see it and rescue it from your vacuum cleaner!   

Cost effective – Removing the need to ever buy vacuum bags of course reduces costs, as you the only extras you will need to buy are filters.  

Good for the environment – Last but not least, not using bags in your vacuum cleaner reduces waste which is much better for our environment. Every vacuum bag you buy will stay somewhere on our planet, even after you throw it away! 


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