Induire des changements à long terme pour un monde meilleur

Le développement durable est ancré dans notre stratégie d’entreprise – et donc intégré dans toutes nos activités. Nous nous efforçons d’atteindre quatre priorités en matière de développement durable basées sur des sujets importants, les droits de l’homme fondamentaux et les Objectifs de développement durable (ODD) des Nations Unies.


Veuillez noter que ce rapport est une traduction du rapport développement durable original de Nilfisk rédigé en anglais. Merci de vous référer à la version originale pour la formulation exacte du texte.

FR 2024 Businessmodel

Nous sommes fier de dévoiler nos scores dans des cadres reconnus à l’international


Nilfisk a reçu une évaluation en or d'EcoVadis pour la troisième année consécutive, obtenant cette fois-ci le score le plus élevé jamais atteint. De 2023 à 2024, Nilfisk a amélioré son score EcoVadis de 71 à 80 points, progressant du 95e au 98e centile de toutes les entreprises rapportant à EcoVadis.

Initiative Des Objectifs Basés Sur La Science
Initiative Des Objectifs Basés Sur La Science

Avoir des objectifs scientifiques offre à Nilfisk une voie bien définie pour réduire les émissions de gaz à effet de serre, limitant ainsi le réchauffement climatique conformément aux objectifs de l’Accord de Paris.

Projet De Divulgation Des Émissions De Carbone CDP)
Projet De Divulgation Des Émissions De Carbone CDP)

Nilfisk révèle son engagement continu envers le changement climatique et la sécurité de l'eau à travers ses divulgations avec le CDP, une organisation internationale à but non lucratif estimée.


En 2024, Nilfisk a maintenu sa note de A- pour la cinquième année consécutive, consolidant ainsi sa position dans la catégorie leadership. De plus, Nilfisk a rendu compte de la sécurité de l'eau pour la première fois en 2024, obtenant une note de B-.

Pacte Mondial Des Nations Unies
Pacte Mondial Des Nations Unies

Nous nous sommes engagés à respecter le Pacte Mondial des Nations Unies en 2010 et nous avons depuis communiqué les performances de notre entreprise selon les 10 principes directeurs.

Partenaire De Transparence Rse
Partenaire De Transparence Rse

Dans le cadre de sa transparence en matière de RSE, Nilfisk rend compte à Nasdaq et est certifié Nasdaq ESG Transparency Partner 2023.


Nilfisk rend compte au sein de Sedex, une organisation internationale dédiée à l’amélioration des pratiques commerciales éthiques et responsables dans les chaînes d’approvisionnement mondiales.

Certificates and reports

Nilfisk's Certificates and Reports

At Nilfisk, we want to bring transparency to our customers concerning our efforts at ensuring that products are safe and compliant. Nilfisk’s policy is to comply with all applicable standards, as well as any regulatory or legal requirements directed at Nilfisk or our products. In this section, we have provided Nilfisk’s Business Code of Conduct, Nilfisk’s Statement on Modern Slavery Act, and our ISO and Product Compliance Declarations.

Sustainability Report 2023
Sustainability Report 2023

Our latest Sustainability report covers the financial year 2023. We have set new ambitious targets for sustainability and plan to be leading the way on environmental, social, and governance-related matters.

Nilfisk Human Rights Policy
Nilfisk Human Rights Policy

We consider respect for the internationally recognized human rights a backbone of our sustainability work and we want to ensure the full and irrevocable application of human rights by assessing this on a broad corporate level, but also on a country and site basis.

Nilfisk awarded with EcoVadis Gold Medal
Nilfisk awarded with EcoVadis Gold Medal

EcoVadis Gold places Nilfisk among the 98th percentile of all global companies rated by EcoVadis. We achieve a score of 80, indicating an advanced sustainability performance, in all categories: Environment, Labor & Human Rights, Ethics and Sustainable Procurement.

Nilfisk’s Business Code of Conduct
Nilfisk’s Business Code of Conduct

Our Business Code of Conduct expresses our commitment to promoting behavioral standards and accountability throughout the company. It describes the fundamental rules governing the way we act internally and externally.

Supplier Code of Conduct
Supplier Code of Conduct

We set high standards and Nilfisk’ s Supplier Code of Conduct outlines the expectations for the behavior and actions of our global product or service suppliers in your dealings with us.

Quality and Environmental Management
Quality and Environmental Management

Nilfisk has an ISO-certified quality- and environmental-management system that provides us with focus and structure. ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 are worldwide standards administered by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). You can find the certificates right below.

Product Compliance Declarations
Product Compliance Declarations

At Nilfisk, we want to bring transparency to our customers regarding our work in ensuring safe and compliant products. Nilfisk’s policy is to comply with all applicable standards, regulatory & legal requirements that are directed at Nilfisk and our products, such as REACH, RoHS, WEEE and Conflict Minerals.

Nilfisk’s Statement on Modern Slavery Act
Nilfisk’s Statement on Modern Slavery Act

At Nilfisk, we believe that this initiative is an important step towards increased transparency for companies operating in the UK, with a focus on preventing serious violations that occur in global supply chains. The initiative is aimed at slavery, forced labor, human trafficking, and more.

ESG Factbook 2023-24
ESG Factbook 2023-24

Nilfisk’s ESG Factbook provides a comprehensive overview of Nilfisk performance on key ESG indicators. The factbook includes Nilfisk ESG performance and strategy, approach to the EU Taxonomy, and performance on prioritized external ESG ratings and benchmarks. This Factbook supplements the Nilfisk Sustainability Report 2023 providing additional metrics and data points.


2024 EcoVadis Sustainability Performance


2024 Ecovadis Sustainability Performance

ESG Factbook 2023-24


Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Policy


Sustainability Report 2023


Business Code Of Conduct


Nilfisk Code Of Conduct

Supplier Code of Conduct


2023 Climate Change Nilfisk Holding AS


2023 Climate Change Nilfisk Holding As

SBTI Nilfisk


SBTi Nilfisk

2022 Climate Change Nilfisk Holding AS


EN 2022 Climate Change Nilfisk Holding As

Sustainability Report 2022


EN Sustainability Report 2022

Human Rights Policy


EN Human Rights Policy

EU and US Sanctions - list of countries


Sanctioned Countries Aug2024

Nilfisk Data Ethics Policy 2024


EN Nilfisk Dk Data Ethics Policy 2024

Nilfisk’s Statement on Modern Slavery Act


REACH Declaration


Nilfisk's Occupational Health and Safety charter


Nilfisk Occupational Health And Safety Charter Final

Conflict Minerals Declaration


Nilfisk GCM Policy

Substances of Concern Policy


Substances Of Concern Policy

RoHS Declaration


WEEE Declaration


Proposition 65 Declaration


POP Declaration


ISO 9001


EN 2024 NILFISK ISO90012015 Certificate (July)

ISO 14001


EN 2024 Nilfisk Iso 14001 2015 Cert



GHG Verification Statement 2021


Nilfisk CSR Report 2021 (English)


Nilfisk CSR Report 2020 (English)


Nilfisk CSR Report 2019 (English)


Nilfisk CSR Report 2018 (English)


Nilfisk CSR Report 2017 (English)


Nilfisk CSR Report 2016 (English)


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