Large walk-behind scrubber dryers
SC800 28C A312 OBC MGB
Product number: 56112442
Simple operation, flexible performance Advance’s rugged, low-maintenance SC800™ scrubbers deliver incredible value on a walk-behind platform. High productivity per tankful allows for 84 minutes of continuous scrubbing, which reduces dump/refill cycles and helps provide fast ROI. The optional EcoFlex™ System offers the flexibility to clean across the entire cleaning spectrum from green to clean. At the touch of a button one can switch from chemical free cleaning to using an ultra low dilution ratio, and of course detergent can be used at full strength for the toughest of soils. The burst of power feature lets you easily apply more pressure, more solution and more detergent at the touch of a single button. With the flexibility to easily apply the right scrubbing performance for the job, you’ll use less detergent, minimize water use and save on cleaning costs.
Brush Cylindrical
Squeegee Blade
Accessory Kit
All about SC800 28C A312 OBC MGB
Walk-Behind Floor Scrubbers
Simple operation, flexible performance Advance’s rugged, low-maintenance SC800™ scrubbers deliver incredible value on a walk-behind platform. High productivity per tankful allows for 84 minutes of continuous scrubbing, which reduces dump/refill cycles and helps provide fast ROI. The optional EcoFlex™ System offers the flexibility to clean across the entire cleaning spectrum from green to clean. At the touch of a button one can switch from chemical free cleaning to using an ultra low dilution ratio, and of course detergent can be used at full strength for the toughest of soils. The burst of power feature lets you easily apply more pressure, more solution and more detergent at the touch of a single button. With the flexibility to easily apply the right scrubbing performance for the job, you’ll use less detergent, minimize water use and save on cleaning costs.
Available in 26, 28, or 34 inch disc and 28 inch cylindrical scrub paths Smart Solutions or EcoFlex System on all machines Green cleaning and high productivity technology 25 gallon solution and recovery tanks Self adjusting skirt on disc machines Heavy duty scrubbing performance
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